How does this work?

Step 1 - Reach out to us! Even if you are just curious to learn more.
Step 2 - Our research team will conduct a brand review, and identify any potential areas for improvement.

Step 3 - We will meet with you to discuss our findings, a plan of action, and talk through whether we would be the right fit for your brand or not.

Step 4 - If we agree to move forward, this is where we start to put together some initial product orders and request any supplemental documentation.
Step 5 - Our teams will create + optimize product listings, launch custom ad campaigns, and remove unauthorized sellers from your marketplace listings.
Step 6 - We will conduct regular review processes to iteratively improve sell-through metrics.

"A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well."

— Jeff Bezos, Former Amazon CEO